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Fashion Inspo for 2023 Seniors that Look Great on Camera

Kathleen Kidwell

The emails from our Seniors have been flooding in this year like never before. They have been asking us what to wear. For those who know me, I'm just a jeans and sneakers kind of girl. However, I've taken enough photos of high schoolers already this year to tell you what is trendy. I've also taken enough photos in my lifetime to tell you what makes you pop on camera! Ready? Set. Go!

The Classic White Dress

Let's talk about the classic white dress! I'm not going to lie...I had reservations when a Senior first showed up with one of these. My head said, "It's going to be boring, limiting, and get dirty." My creative heart said, "Let's try it!" and I'm beyond glad we did!

I really can't even explain why I like them so much. They're like a breath of fresh air. Mix that with the sunshine and you've got a very nice Summer feel to them. Also, the dresses did get dirty and that's ok! They made for gorgeous photos and it was so worth it!

Honestly, the more I worked with them, the more I loved them! There's something so fresh and light about them. Sometimes photographs just need more simple beauty so we can focus on the Senior! These white dresses just make the Senior the most eye-catching thing about the photos and I'm absolutely loving this trend more and more!

Denim Jackets

When most people think of denim jackets, they think of stuff out of their mom's closet. I respond to this with a knowing smile because moms sometimes had the best style! Denim jackets are as versatile as an article of clothing can get and I'm super glad we're back to a place of appreciation for them!

Having versatility is incredibly important when choosing outfits for your Senior photos because what if the weather doesn't cooperate? We live in Illinois. This is the sad reality of going from snow to 90 degree weather in a single week. That isn't documented anywhere, but I firmly believe that has happened multiple times in my life.

Also, just how cool do denim jackets look? I'm totally showing my age when I say that denim gives me all the Claudia Schiffer vibes! I kind of feel the need to dig mine out of the back of my closet now...

Crop Tops

Oh crop tops. How my modestly brought up self was not excited when you came back into style, but how I've grown to appreciate you. I fully believe that part of our jobs as photographers is to give these young people confidence and if the parents are cool with these tops, so am I. My mom would still ground my 35 year old butt for months, but that's another story...

I will admit that I'm a much bigger fan of the crop top length of the current trend than I was in the '90s where there was skin everywhere. This seems chic and not show-offy. Pair it with high-waisted jeans or a jacket and it's actually very cute and tasteful.

Also, the crop top with the skorts makes me think of Cher from Clueless and that has my '90s kid heart so happy!

Puffy Sleeves

I can get behind any trend that gives sleeves as much attention as the remainder of the outfit. I'm not sure of the fashion world name for "puffy sleeves", but I that is what makes sense in my brain.

There's something very whimsical about puffy sleeves and I really dig it. (Yep, there's that age thing again...) I'm not really sure why we have periods of fashion with plain sleeves, but alas, they exist.

If this photo has plain sleeves, it just wouldn't be as interesting. I know it sounds weird to say, but the sleeves totally pull this photo together. My final thought on puffy sleeves is that anyone can pull them off. They don't discriminate like tight sleeves do and that makes me happy.

In Conclusion

So classic white dresses, denim jackets, crop tops, and puffy sleeve tops are our biggest recommendations of the year. You should always ask your photographer for their suggestions if you aren't sure. It's their job to know how your outfits will go with your locations. Also, you hired them for their artist eye, right? They know what they're doing!

Here at Kathleen Kidwell Photography, we encourage you to reach out before your photo shoot with snaps of your outfit choices. We help you narrow it down by understanding why some things work better than others. We also have you bring 7-8 complete outfits so you have a variety to pick from. Your Senior photos aren't just a photo session-they're an experience!

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